Thursday, July 29, 2010

ABT Audi R8 (2008)

ABT Audi R8 (2008)
The Abt R8 will be a gorgeous dream car with the genes of a top-class race car. The Abt R8 will also challenge the Lamborghinis and Porsches. With regards to the anticipated performance data the Bavarians are traditionally discreet. But this data already amazes sports car fans and makes them want to spur the hot-blooded Bavarian horses. 530 HP (390 kW) are to be drawn from the 4.2 litre-V8 thanks to the Abt supercharger. Compared with the serial model which already shows impressive performance data this means an increase of 110 HP (81 kW). The brand new Abt 20-inch BR wheels stylishly transfer this power onto the asphalt. The all-wheel-drive dream car accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in just 3.9 seconds and reaches a top speed of 317 km/h.


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