Friday, November 6, 2009

Poole Audi Rally Car!

Excitement is building across the country, as the teams taking part in the charity rally called Bangers4Ben make their final preparations. Bangers4Ben starts on Monday 9th November and will take our team 3 days. Our team, consisting of Chris Ryu (marketing specialist) and Russell Whittam (valeter), think they may have found the perfect car. The Audi 100 Avant or Bessie, as she has is known in the press, is in great condition and even has a new MOT.

With only £250 to spend on the perfect car to make the 1,500 mile journey, our team won Old Bessie on an online auction. The previous owner has done a great job of looking after her and with only a little TLC, she is ready for the rally.

Our good friends at have very kindly stickered our Audi 100 up ready for the big rally! Now, we don't want to give too much away but here is a preview...

As for German engineering, well I am confident that old Bessie will do us proud! To see up-to-the minute news on our teams progress visit our dedicated page: where you can even track the car via GPS!


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