Friday, October 23, 2009

Poole Audi take up the Bangers4BEN challenge

Our team will only have £250 to spend on a road-legal car that is capable of making a 1,500 mile journey in just 3 days. Naturally we are only looking for an Audi and with the Audi reputation at stake we have to find something very special. Plus there is the small matter of rivalry between the 30 teams taking part. All of whom representing various car manufacturers, dealers, magazines and all hungry to win the challenge.

So armed with only £250 and charged with finding a suitable Audi with road tax and MOT, our team has been searching all known sources, both online and offline. Everything from the experience of getting out-bid at the last minute on an online auction, to thinking you have found the perfect car only to find it has a fatal flaw – or many in our case!

Some would say though that buying the car is the easy part. Our team will then have to take our £250 banger and over the course of 3 days, will have to complete over 1,500 miles across the UK. At the end of the mammoth journey we will be doing a few celebratory laps of Brands Hatch race track and then the cars will all be auctioned off with the full sale price going to charity. We hope to win some prizes, but without a doubt the real winners will be BEN – the Motor and Allied Trades Benevolent Fund. All money raised from this event will go to the charity and on the trip we will be paying them a visit.

Be sure to follow our progress on the event both here and via Twitter:

If you know of a suitable Audi then please think of us…


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