When Aston Martin unveiled the luxurious twenty-twenty, heads turned. The marvels behind the design of the twenty-twenty were Fabrizio Giugiaro and Giorgetto. Introduced at the 2001 Geneva Salon L'Auto, the twenty twenty was based on an early production DB7 Vantage. A fully functional road car, and not just a mock up, the 20 20's body shape was made of exposed extruded aluminum structural elements, and had body panels made from plastic and carbon fiber fitted onto it. Fitted with the same front mounted, uprated version of the 6 liter V12 as the DB7 Vantage, the 20 20 was capable of producing 500 bhp. Though the rear bulkhead can be manipulated to allow for seating for two children, the Aston 20 20 was originally designed to be a 2-seater vehicle. ‘Targa' fashion, the soft top is housed in its own special home than can be slotted into position between the windscreen and the roll-bar. Though unique and ‘interesting', Aston Martin never seemed to have real plans for the 20 20 except as a concept vehicle. The twenty twenty was basically just a visual representation into what the ‘Spider' model may look like in the year 2020.
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