Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Boat Car

I feel good today, seems like something great is about to happen. But, while waiting for it, let me first share with you another unique car…

Well… It barely looks like an actual car, yet it is. In fact, it confused me on the first look, as the wheels are not obvious. It just happened that the picture was one in a set of “They are just cars… Only a little bit weird” photos in linkinn.com, so I figured out that it is a car.

I thought it is the what-so-called “car-boat”. But, upon searching through the net, specifically wikipedia.org, a car-boat is “a boat or marine vessel built from, or powered by, an automobile chassis and engine”, indefinite whether it also sustained with an Acura ball joint replacement or any other kind of auto parts found in a typical car. They have been recently well-known in the United States media for being the vehicle ridden by a number of Cubans who have attempted to immigrate to the United States by water. Car-boat built from a taxi has been termed as taxi-boat… So, the one in the picture is not a car-boat. Besides, a boat is a watercraft designed to float and provide transport over “water” and not in the land… Unfortunately, I found none regarding a boat-car. But, if there is, maybe it is a car that is powered by a boat chassis and engine, don’t you think? (LOL)

Anyways… perhaps, it no longer works as a boat. So, the owner might have thought of just making it a car instead of leaving it to the junk


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